A flexible office building with an eye for its local context


Landlord: KPC – Office concept: NREP
Teglholmen, Copenhagen, Denmark
14,600 m²

The new multi-user office building in Copenhagen is made to create a work environment that encourages social interaction and collaboration. With office spaces and shared facilities, it offers flexible options for companies and individuals. Publicly accessible spaces, including a café and grocery store, integrate the building into the local community, making it a vibrant hub for both workers and residents. The building includes the 1,300 m² grocery store and a 2,900 m² basement parking garage.

In progress
Afry Lassen Landskab

The new office building will be much more than just a place where you can sit and work. It will be a campus with a professional and social community. On all six floors, hubs with informal seating areas, meeting rooms and copy and print facilities will be available to all tenants. Here, just like in the shared canteen and on the open roof terrace, you can meet others and exchange knowledge and experiences.

Claus Johannessen, Senior Project Manager at PLH

We have an incredibly exciting project that is being brought to life, thanks to the positive collaboration with PLH and our other partners. We are very much looking forward to a new and innovative office building that is tailored to our concept.

Jesper Kaas Nielsen, Senior Development Manager at NREP

We are really happy to once again be part of an ambitious project that has been created in close collaboration with, among others, NREP and PLH Arkitekter, based on a common desire to create added value for both the house's users and neighbours.

Ole Teilmann, KPC

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