Branded Space & Wayfinding


The building and the interior of a company is the obvious way to express brand identity. We offer a holistic approach to architecture and design. Therefore, we always make sure that the building or interior expresses the brand identity of our clients and have intuitive wayfinding.

Branded space is about projecting the identity of a company or brand through the design and experience of their physical environments.

Graphic design and signage are important visual parts of the design whilst many subtle and indirect ideas and functions give spaces their full brand experience.

We enjoy understanding the uniqueness of our clients’ corporate visual identity (CVI) and brand narrative, and creating spaces that people connect with.

We search for ways to curate inspiring and memorable customer experiences, if it’s a retail setting; or nurturing strong workplace connections between employees and their employers, supporting Employee Value Propositions (EVP). In this way, branded space supports customer loyalty, brand positioning, and employee attraction and retention.

We ensure and advise for an intuitive wayfinding considering the people using it making sure they can find their way around.

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